Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Website Development and Promotion Paradox

NO Patents!
New Paradox of Website Development and Promotion Business?

This would sound very strange if it would have not become a popular trend with the owners of professional website development businesses, offshore e-commerce website development companies, inventors of website development and promotion software, tools and solutions.

And when you take into account that Google is also not patenting their great search engine ranking algo - this becomes very interesting.

You are welcome to get short preview about the problem and link to the big article about reasons and solutions to it here

Monday, June 04, 2007

Netscape becomes new Internet marketing promotion trend

Turns out that famous Netscape that was known mostly as one of the first browsers in the net has A LOT MORE in the pocket!

You can turn it into your free Internet marketing promotion weapon if you know how to play by the rules. Fair play guarantees getting a backlink from higly trusted authority page with Google PR 6 - 9!

Read more details about this Internet marketing promotion strategy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Internet Marketing Promotion Strategy

New Internet marketing promotion strategy popped up from the latest changes that Google made about its way to display results.

You can test yourself, and see that Google started to display video snippets right on the search result pages. These snippest trigger the attention of surfers and can give more targeted traffic, even if the site has lower position in results.

This gave the birth to the new Internet marketing promotion strategy which is about creating video for the sake of getting it indexed and displayed in results to attract surfer's attention.

Read more insights about this Internet marketing promotion strategy.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Google Introduces Video into Search Engine Results!

Finally Google has made the step
that we've been waiting for a long time.

Now you can see video snippets
right in the search engine results

This is part of the campaign of molding Google with As Google is "parenting" YouTube in the issues of search engine partonage, their videos are added right into the search engine results, together with the typical listing.

Is It a New Trend in Marketing?

Hard to say before it's evident to see how exactly Google 'evaluates' this or that page to be grabbed to the search engine ranking results. But the psychological effect is evident - entries with relevant video will have bigger portion of clicks compared to simple entries.

And this has big future.

More SEO, SEM and IM brainstorming on this issue coming shortly...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Google PR Comes Out of Search Engine Marketing Depression

Many people have lost faith in Google Page Rank's value
in getting good search engine positions.

But with the latest news from famous Matt Cutts that he shared on his Google blog it seems that...

Google PR is Coming Out of Shadow!

Of course, no one would disagree to get PR 7 and more for their site. But lots of people have been very pessimistic about doing any fuss to get PR 2, 3 or 4 as it was not giving huge boost in Google search engine ranking algo and, hence, was not giving extra targeted traffic.

However, the search engine marketing and optimization value of Google PR has been underestimated by the IM, SEO and SEM community.

You will find all answers how and why PR increased its influence inside this free search engine report.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Approach to Improve Search Engine Results

Seems that there is a real way to improve search engines results and the ranking algorithm in general.

The new copyrighting approach can be a solution to such problems as:

  1. duplicate content
  2. supplementary results (when real author of article is in "supps" whereas the article directory to which this article was submitted 'stole' the origin of this content and is not in "supps")
  3. extra encouragement of people to create more unique content (via giving them better search engine ranks on their content)
  4. punishment for those who steal content and use it illegally

Feel welcome to see more details about copyrighting approach and how it can improve search engine ranking algorithm <= in this article.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Comparison of Google and Hakia - (future of link exchange, SEO and Internet marketing)

Semantic search (and everything new that it 'promises' to bring) has been controlling the mind of Internet marketing and SEO community for a long time.

The typical rumors like:
'Now Google is coming semantic - BEWARE!...'
'Semantic or LSI will change the Internet...'
'The SEO games are over, now only good content...'

... are taking the minds of many people.

Some of the people are scared to lose current ranks, others search how to do new SEO, some build content and wait, some just think about leaving all hopes for good positions and truth under this sun.

I Hate Guessing.
So I made a comparison test for
Google and Hakia (one of the semantic search engines)

All details of the test and explanation why there is no need to be scared about semantic SEs or LSI are provided in this article with Search Engine Marketing Research Results

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tip to Improve Relevancy of AdSenses and Its Profits

This is a very simple and quick tip to instantly improve
the relevancy of AdSenses on the pages of your sites.

Those who have targeted traffic to their sites but experience bad CTR and clicks on AdSenses now have a way out.

It is highly possible that...

You Can Be Suffering from Irrelevancy of AdSenses!

I want to show you how I learnt this lesson from my real experience, because thus you will understand everything in all details.

So, This is My Real Case Study:

Recently I was publishing an article on one of my sites. The site is about website hosting and article was also about website hosting - about the tips to choose good hosting, and the draft title of the article was "Choosing Hosting - Behind the Curtain Tips".

Ok, I published this article as separate page on my web site. I also made the title of the article as meta title of this page, added the title into URL of this page and article summary was used as a meta description of this page (it's important to mention that in the description the phrase 'website hosting' was clearly stated in the text).

Now comes the fun...

I published the article on the site and checked my page - wow, Google served AdSenses about... curtains!!

Google ignored 'hosting' and 'website hosting', it just focused on 'curtain' in the title, URL and description and decided that my page is about curtains. Google even ignored the body of the article/page which was purely about website hosting and its neighbor topics - cron jobs, mySQL, permissions on files, etc - as you can see the row of synonyms and words in the body has nothing to do with curtains :)

I refined the title, URL and description (without making any changes into the body of the article) - and AdSenses instantly became targeted, about website hosting.

And this means that...

Google Checks Only Page Title, Description and URL
When Picking the Topic of AdSenses for Your Pages!

I was really surprised that Google doesn't care about all content on the page. Simple meta data and maybe keywords in URL is enough for Google AdSense algo to choose the topic of its ads for your pages.


As you can see it is very easy to refine the relevancy of AdSenses on all your pages. Just make sure that titles, descriptions and URLs have necessary keywords inside, and Google is satisfied.

NOTE: Hey, but don't mess up Google's AdSense algo with Google's general algo for ranking sites in its search engine results. These are two different algorithms. If for picking the AdSenses Google is not checking most of the content on your page, the 'big' algo will make sure that your page content is relevant to the page title and description.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Google Becomes Smart with Our Brains

Google Becomes Smart with Our Brains.

Google seems to have focused on the help of humans in making its search results better. Google's recently announced 'Web History' can be big helper in refining the results and a bridge between human and automatic in Google's algorithm.

Google is a major player on search engine market. But even this major is really far from being perfect when it comes to the quality of its results.

Of course, Google reports to have put titanic efforts into evaluation of links and content; Google encourages natural site growth and fights against brutal SEO manipulations. But Google still needs a real advance to provide its searchers with the new level of quality of its search results.

Before artificial intelligence has become real with search engines it was almost impossible to imagine that this new level of search results is realistic.

But where others would give up, Google seems to keep fighting.

And they have made a nice choice in outsourcing the help for refining search engine results. Think about it - who is better than any artificial intelligence? We - the lovely bipedal human beings with brains!

Maybe you heard that recently Google has introduced the 'Web History' feature which records your searches and sites that you visit. You can pause or delete the history at any time which is a great feature. Plus Google is not sneaking you into this feature which is another "thumbs up" for their attitude to the searchers and their freedom.

But let's have a look into the potential of this "Web History" feature.

For Google - in future - this is a great feedback on what exactly people search, what sites use most of all for these searches and how exactly use them (what pages visit, how often, etc.)

This history is a perfect statistics gatherer for Google. And this information - when properly processed - can be a real boost in refining the search engine results. Because with the web history data Google can get an extra digest of the Internet market and how people react to this or that web site.

No one but Google can guarantee that they will or will not use this information to refine the quality of search results. But human beings have proven to be very crafty in selecting good resources. So, Google will be very smart to use this extra help. And we should reap the fruits in a way of far better search results.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Google's Promises to Punish for Selling Backlinks - Myth?

Today the whole community of webmasters is buzzing about Google's promises to change their policy and fight more effectively the tactics of selling backlinks.

I am not going to dispute about the morality of purchasing backlinks for SEO purposes, because this is a subject for another discussion. But let's try to answer a simple question...

Is Google Really Capable of Stopping Backlink Selling?

And this is a very good question. What Google offers to do right now is to report sites that are selling backlinks and they will find out some algo to fight it. Google is not saying how exactly they will penalize, but I think the wisest idea would be to simply not count backlinks (in terms of rank calculation) if the site is reported for backlink selling. This should make the purchase of links not interesting for webmasters and break the whole trend of buying links for the sake of SEO.


How exactly can Google tell good links (real links) from bad links (paid links made for the sake of SEO)?

I personally know many super reputable webmasters' forums that sell backlinks. Even on home page. (!) Intermingled with real backlinks (!). And Google will not be able to invent some algo that will tell good links from the bad links for all sites if the good and bad links are coming together. Because all links look super natural.

So, if it's impossible to invent this algo, this means sites that sell backlinks in a wise way are out of threat. And Google will be catching only stupid link farms and greedy average sites that create piles of backlinks.

Most probably Google will make a big public punishment for some minors - and that's it. Big sites will be still selling the backlinks. And webmasters will be still buying the backlinks.

All this makes me think that it's highly possible that Google creates the buzz trying to threat naive webmasters and scare them away from buying links.

But there have been many examples when Google's promises have been to far from what they have managed to do in real life.

P.S. And, by the way, don't you think that all this fuss about purchasing backlinks is a good proof that Google can still be manipulated with backlinks? :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Link Exchange and Yahoo Pipes - Going Step by Step

This is step-by-step guide to successful combination of link exchange with Yahoo Pipes technology.

As promised in the previous article published on this blog here "Link Exchange and Yahoo Pipes" today I am going to show step by step how you can use Yahoo Pipes technology to get better effect from the link building.

I have recently made a test and created special Yahoo pipe (more details on this link exchange Yahoo pipe blog) which had three aims:
- get better Yahoo exposure/indexing;
- get more traffic from visitors of Yahoo Pipes;
- get more potential link exchange partners.

Today I am going to explain how exactly I made it.

I created a special Yahoo pipe where I submitted the RSS feeds on my sites that had link building directories. The beauty of Yahoo Pipes technology is that other people, who liked the way this or that pipe can simply click 'Clone' link and get this pipe ready for their editing.

Why Editing?

Because when you clone any pipe, you get the access to edit it any way you wish. And this is where the spin-off effect starts. People see my pipe, see from having my RSS feeds inside it I can really succeed with my aims (indexing, traffic and more link partners). They want to have the same, so they clone the pipe and ... add their own RSS feeds of link directories. Now all others who see this pipe will see MY directories plus THEIR directories. And then it becomes a snowball, with more and more people adding their feeds to the base.

The results of this strategy can be amazing!

First of all, the more people clone this pipe, the more popular it is in the eyes of Yahoo - hence, the faster is Yahoo indexing to all new pages in the link directories that submitted their feeds to the pipe. And deep indexing of all directory pages by Yahoo is a great victory.

Secondly, the more popular is any pipe, the more people see it. Hence, any site has more potential traffic.

And the third advantage - the more people see the directories, the more chances that you will catch 'some extra' good link partners for the sites, because people like joining winners.

How to Create Yahoo Pipe - Step by Step.

(1) Register Yahoo Account.

(2) Go to and click 'create a new pipe' button. This will send you to graphical interface where you can play with feeds any way you like: sort them, make them searchable for keywords, filter for unnecessary elements, etc.

BUT, before you start doing it yourself, better pick a good pipe and clone it. Because thus you will get a ready made pipe that you can experiment with and see the guts of this technology.

(3) Once your pipe is made, publish it, and Yahoo will do the rest. Yahoo promotes pipes and sends people there, Yahoo indexes the sites that submitted their feeds, because Yahoo wants to push this technology, hence it is quite logical that they help a little in indexing. So this is a great chance to use this opportunity.

Yahoo Pipes technology will help not only link exchange. You can make your articles more visible by submitting their RSS feed to the pipe. Or you can make your site network more visible. Anything that has RSS feed can give you extra help in Yahoo. Use Yahoo Pipes, and you will see that they really help.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Link Exchange and Yahoo Pipes

Link exchange and Yahoo pipes have a really great potential to be combined. And I am going to prove it in this post.

What are Yahoo Pipes?

According to the quote from Yahoo web site pipe is 'interactive feed aggregator and manipulator; using Pipes, you can create feeds that are more powerful, useful and relevant.' But behind this shy definition stands new potential.

Imagine that now you can gather RSS feeds from different web sites and make then searchable under different parameters in a very simple visible form. With the help of visual constructor you can create your simple (but not primitive) search engines that will be focused to the feeds that you choose. And you don't need having big programming talents to make it work. You save it as your own Yahoo pipe and now every visitor of this pipe can submit necessary data and get result from the feeds of this pipe.

How Can this Help My Link Exchange?

Keep in your mind that Yahoo pipe is kind of search engine that searches the feeds that you need. Now this is real case example of how you can get extra boost to your link exchange directories with new Yahoo technology.

  • Grab all RSS feeds URLs of your link exchange directories. If your directories don't have RSS feeds, than you are still in the 20th century. Today it is almost a must to have it, and there are many link exchange scripts and tools (even free link exchange scripts) that have RSS feed which is automatically updated with every new link in the directory.
  • Now - take all these feed URLs into your Yahoo pipe. This means you created your own searchable base, base of your link exchange directories.
  • Then using specific Yahoo Pipes modules create rules for searching the base. People can search by topic of links, or title and description, etc.

That's it. You have your own Yahoo pipe. This innovation is being nicely promoted by Yahoo, so it's not your problem to attract people to Yahoo pipe. And when they are there - they will use your pipe form to find good partners. If you fit their demand, it means you got new link partners.

In the next post I will show you how this can be possible in real action, step by step, so make sure to have your Yahoo pipe account registered by that time to follow me.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Link Exchange Not Ruled by Relevancy.

Link exchange is reported to no longer be ruled by relevancy of links during link building. According to the tests performed by Internet marketing team of DesktopMoney LTD (within the framework of automatic reciprocal link exchange tool tesitng) Google has shifted from relying on relevancy of web sites. Even more - in many cases links can be absolutely irrelevant, but they should fit the new factor that is coming into use.

Basing on the results from link building and testing of the backlinks indexed by Google the specialists of DesktopMoney LTD have come to the conclusion that many of the officially indexed backlinks were on the web sites that were irrelevant to the topic of the site they were linking to, however these irrelevant backlinks were displayed by Google among the top results of officially indexed backlinks.

This conclusion comes very close to breaking one of the pillars of Google's philosophy about link exchange which says that in order to have no problems with building links site owners should be very carefully choosing link partners, especially pay attention to link partners being relevant to their topic.

The issue of relevancy has been highly disputed by Internet marketing community, as there are many cases when topics seem to be irrelevant for the Google's algo, but are not irrelevant in reality. For example, 'business' and 'health' are absolutely different topics for automatic algorithm, but in reality business training website can be linking to yoga site as part of the stress handling techniques that are widely used in tame stress in business. Thus, two irrelevant topics can be very relevant.

The testing results held by DesktopMoney LTD prove that in reality Google is not relying only on relevancy of links as relevancy is a very disputable issue. And testing results hint on the new factor that is highly rumored to be introduced by Google. This new factor is Trust Rank.

Google is not officially approving or rejecting the usage of this factor in their algo. But it is highly logical that Google might have given Trust Rank to a line of websites that have good Internet reputation and gained trust in their niche. Surely Google is not disclosing the websites that gained Trust Rank from it, as this can cause intense attention to getting backlinks from these sites. However it is possible to suggest that among these sites one can find reputable media websites, established article and press release services, various online communities (forums, memberships, chats, polls), reputable directories (script directories, product directories, service directories), social networks, well established niche majors and other websites of this level.

Getting a backlink from the site of this kind, even if this site is irrelevant, will not produce any problems. And testing results prove that Google is adding these backlinks to the official count.
Having taken into account the mentioned reasons, it can be stated that Internet community is on the verge of getting new set of rules for link exchange, where Trust Rank will take one of the important positions.