Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Link Exchange and Yahoo Pipes - Going Step by Step

This is step-by-step guide to successful combination of link exchange with Yahoo Pipes technology.

As promised in the previous article published on this blog here "Link Exchange and Yahoo Pipes" today I am going to show step by step how you can use Yahoo Pipes technology to get better effect from the link building.

I have recently made a test and created special Yahoo pipe (more details on this link exchange Yahoo pipe blog) which had three aims:
- get better Yahoo exposure/indexing;
- get more traffic from visitors of Yahoo Pipes;
- get more potential link exchange partners.

Today I am going to explain how exactly I made it.

I created a special Yahoo pipe where I submitted the RSS feeds on my sites that had link building directories. The beauty of Yahoo Pipes technology is that other people, who liked the way this or that pipe can simply click 'Clone' link and get this pipe ready for their editing.

Why Editing?

Because when you clone any pipe, you get the access to edit it any way you wish. And this is where the spin-off effect starts. People see my pipe, see from having my RSS feeds inside it I can really succeed with my aims (indexing, traffic and more link partners). They want to have the same, so they clone the pipe and ... add their own RSS feeds of link directories. Now all others who see this pipe will see MY directories plus THEIR directories. And then it becomes a snowball, with more and more people adding their feeds to the base.

The results of this strategy can be amazing!

First of all, the more people clone this pipe, the more popular it is in the eyes of Yahoo - hence, the faster is Yahoo indexing to all new pages in the link directories that submitted their feeds to the pipe. And deep indexing of all directory pages by Yahoo is a great victory.

Secondly, the more popular is any pipe, the more people see it. Hence, any site has more potential traffic.

And the third advantage - the more people see the directories, the more chances that you will catch 'some extra' good link partners for the sites, because people like joining winners.

How to Create Yahoo Pipe - Step by Step.

(1) Register Yahoo Account.

(2) Go to and click 'create a new pipe' button. This will send you to graphical interface where you can play with feeds any way you like: sort them, make them searchable for keywords, filter for unnecessary elements, etc.

BUT, before you start doing it yourself, better pick a good pipe and clone it. Because thus you will get a ready made pipe that you can experiment with and see the guts of this technology.

(3) Once your pipe is made, publish it, and Yahoo will do the rest. Yahoo promotes pipes and sends people there, Yahoo indexes the sites that submitted their feeds, because Yahoo wants to push this technology, hence it is quite logical that they help a little in indexing. So this is a great chance to use this opportunity.

Yahoo Pipes technology will help not only link exchange. You can make your articles more visible by submitting their RSS feed to the pipe. Or you can make your site network more visible. Anything that has RSS feed can give you extra help in Yahoo. Use Yahoo Pipes, and you will see that they really help.

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